(Private Function) The Crossroad Sound at Abe & Jake's Landing
Vocalist for The Crossroad Sound Wedding & Event Band.
Vocalist for The Crossroad Sound Wedding & Event Band.
Vocalist for The Crossroad Sound Wedding & Event Band. The Crossroad Sound will be the pre and post-game entertainment in the Brewhouse, part of the Sporting KC’s Children’s Mercy Park.
Back for another Christmas Show with Uncle Les! I’ll be running sound and performing a few numbers. There should also be a live stream available online at the link below! Hope to see you around this holiday season!
This August, as postponed from 2020, I’ll be playing the lead in Green Day’s American Idiot musical, hosted by Immersive KC. Don’t let no Coronavirus keep you from seeing this highly energetic rock musical, sure to leave you a punk fan. As well as leading most of the show, I’ll get the opportunity to show off a few skills of mine behind the guitar and keys. This will now be held at The Black Box KC in the West Bottoms, after a COVID-19 postponement.
AmericanIdiotLive.com for Tickets!
Hope to see you there!
Join my uncle and special guests for his annual holiday show via Facebook Live Stream this season! I’ll be helping run the sound and setup for the event as well as making a special solo vocal appearance. Let’s make it a special COVID Christmas!
I’ll be rehearsing for 6 weeks in N. Miami, FL starting May 23rd in preparation to join Serenade of the Seas on July 7th! Very excited to do Stage to Screen again (as Daddy from Sweet Charity & Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors) as well as a new show for me entitled “Vibeology” where I’ll do a number of hits from throughout the years along with my cast of 8 dancers and 4 singers (total). The show has me starting out with Elvis’s “Suspicious Minds,” through Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal,” and ending with a Santana section. The ship will venture to nearly 29 countries in the course of my contract, starting in Stockholm, Sweden doing a run in the Baltic Sea, crossing to Boston via the North Atlantic and doing a run to Nova Scotia and Bermuda, ending with a Southern Caribbean and South American run out of Ft. Lauderdale. I’m beyond excited to share this new gig with you and hope to keep you posted throughout my ventures!
I’ll be singing and accompanying myself on guitar to a couple of tunes the bride and groom have requested.
Round 2, here we go! Rehearsal beginning July 3rd in North Miami, and I'll be off to the Enchantment on August 13th for another 8 months. Royal Caribbean Productions include, "Stage to Screen," "Can't Stop the Rock," and other miscellaneous vocal sets on the ship.
On board the Enchantment of the Seas for the next 8 months as a Singer/Dancer in Royal Caribbean Production's of "Stage to Screen," "Can't Stop the Rock," and other miscellaneous vocal sets on the ship.
KCKCC's Spring Choral Concert with a wide variety of choral music expressing all types of joys and sorrows of the human experience. The concert will feature the choirs performing with video and audio, as well. Some of the video for the concert will feature animation designed by students from the KCKCC Art Department.
Member of KCKCC Chamber Choir. Singing our own choral selections and Isaac Watt's "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" with all participating choirs.